Chilliwack General Hospital
Chilliwack General Hospital has been serving the community of Chilliwack since 1912 when the population in the Chilliwack area was 5,337 residents.
45600 Menholm Rd,
Chilliwack, BC V2P 1P7

How Can I Give Back?
Donations will help fund the most urgent needs of our hospitals, providing health care teams with the equipment, and technology they need to save lives.
Hospital Services
Current Projects
Blanket Warmers (x3) $10,000 each
Keeps patients warm and comfortable while waiting for procedures or during their hospital stay.
Defibrillator for the Emergency Department $20,000
The emergency room defibrillator is an essential backup device that supports existing defibrillator equipment, especially as patient volume continues to grow. This machine delivers an electrical current to the heart, aiming to restore a normal heartbeat in cases of abnormal heart rhythms or cardiac arrest. In critical moments when a patient’s heart stops, the defibrillator can potentially restart the heart, providing a life-saving intervention in emergency situations. This additional unit ensures that the emergency room is well-equipped to handle increased patient demand and critical cardiac events with minimal delay.
Bladder Scanner $18,000.00
Bilimeter $9,765.01
Accuvein Vein Finder $9,398.80
Heritage and Bradley
Ambient Activity Abby System (2) $55,000.00 each
Re-purpose/decorate “parlour” area $15,000.00
Seniors Clinic
Nurse Coordinator (0.8 FTE – 2 years) $204,800.00