FVHCF Education Grants

Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation recognizes the importance of continuous learning to the success of both individual workers and Fraser Health as a whole. This special fund was created to support staff in strengthening clinical practice and improving patient care and safety.

Applications open: April 1, 2024 | Applications close: January 31, 2025

How much money can I apply for? Maximum of up to $500 per person

The intent of this fund is to support the professional development of the members who make up the multi-disciplinary health care teams at Fraser Health. The fund supports Fraser Health employees who are seeking: professional development related to their current job or role i.e. conferences/seminars/courses.

Who can apply?

  • All regular full-time employees who have worked for a minimum of one year at Fraser Health.
  • Casual or part-time employees who have worked for the equivalent of one year, within the last year, at Fraser Health.

Funding criteria:  the grant is available to staff to help them deliver better patient care and experience. We provide funding for professional development activities such as conferences, workshops, seminars, and courses. Funds are not available for professional certifications/examination fees that are a requirement for your position. Nor are the funds available for books, travel, licensing fees, meals, or other incidental expenses.

Funding availability: Multiple grants are available to be awarded. The maximum funding per person is $500. Grants can only be used for the course/conference in the original application. No changes will be permitted.

The award is offered every two years and a call for nominations is circulated. The Education Grant Committee will review applications submitted once per month.

Courses/workshops and conferences must be completed and reimbursement submitted between 12 months of the date granted. Successful applicants are only eligible to receive grants for two years consecutively. Following a break of one year, applicants can re-apply.

All applicants will receive a response to their request within two weeks of the deadline for applications.

To print out the form and submit it in person or by email, please click here to download the education grant form.

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